Thanks for joining me!
Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton
So many words, so many ways of expressing myself. This should have been the first post I had, but it’s not so here we are. I came up with Curiosity & Confession one day and just stuck to it. Curiosity being random topics that come to mind with no warning. A random topic that I attempted to explain or research to get an answer. Confession being more than likely something that has already happened in life or something I want to happen.
The “likes” on here are easy to get, but to get someone to stop and explain how they get where im coming from makes it worth it. For me to be able to paint a picture with my words and you see exactly what I see, would be amazing to me. I can’t say that I am even close to Stephen King or Sarah Maas but hope that one day I get close.
Often times im so scattered brained and lose focus that I may come off Bipolar. The truth is some may show you their life, but I think I’ll just tell you about it. This is going to be a blogtastic experience. So I hope you all stick around for the good days, the bad day, the love, and the pain.
Simply because I am human and i’m just like you…