
Sunshine Blogger Award #3


Thank you Mr. A for the nomination!!! This is my third award and I’m happy that you are giving me this opportunity to answer your questions. Your blog is one of my favorites and your confidence is inspiring. πŸ¦‹

To my nominees, I enjoy reading all of your blogs as well. I want to take this time to let you know you are amazing and to continue sharing your mind with us. Even if you cant play along 100% feel free to simply answer the questions in the comments. I completely understand it can be time consuming. πŸ¦‹

Mr. A questions….

  • Tell us about the last time you listened to what your inner voice has to say and the last time you didn’t? Last time I listened to my inner voice I quit my job at McDonald 2 years ago. Financial it probably wasn’t a smart thing to do but for my stress level and happiness it was the best thing I have ever done in my life.
  • What do you care most about, outside of yourself? Tell us how does caring for this helped you trust yourself more? I’m not sure I care about anything that helps me trust myself. I want to see someone else answer this question. I feel like that is a hard question. I care about a lot of things and people but I can’t think how that helps.
  • Tell us about the things you want yourself to want? I want myself to want to get things done on time and actually follow through. Lord I wait too long on some things, that later bite me in the ass.
  • How do you approach non-fiction reading? Do you relate or make disagreements with what the author has to say? Do you try to have a conversation with the thing you are reading? If I am reading non- fiction it is because I am looking for a answer to something. Non- fiction is for research/knowledge and fiction is for enjoyment.
  • What are your controversial opinions and why do you believe them? If it’s not worth talking about publicly, may you tell us why?
  • If a man that is dear to you (dad, husband, boyfriend, brother), help someone that is viciously being attacked. Would you be proud of him for helping or be angry with them for putting himself in harm’s way? I would be proud of him and more than likely I would be right there beside him jumping in to save the other person. Even if he got hurt I would still be proud that he was sticking up for someone.
  • Which men’s style profile would you prefer, a classic gentleman, a lumbersexual or a rockstar? Classic gentleman, lets keep it basic.
  • Which male pop icon you think is the epitome of manhood? Tell us the traits that he has that makes you say so? The imagine of a classy man has changed so much that I’m afraid to admit I don’t keep with the fashion world anymore.
  • Who is sexier, a frugal man or a generous man? A generous man, a frugal man might start to get annoying.
  • As a man, what are your thoughts of me based on my writing and what you know about me? My reading list is so random that if I could put everyone in a category , Id label you confession. You come off as if you are 100% comfortable in your own skin, high standards for how a man should act, confident in your answers to question, loving father , and a passion for clothing.
  • Lastly, the β€œMr. A being Mr. A” question – Does size matter? I mean you no disrespect, I won’t feel bad if you choose not to answer. Yeeesss, there is a such thing as too big and too small. My man’s is just right so I win. HAHAHA

My turn, my questions for you….

πŸ¦‹ Where do you get your news?

πŸ¦‹ If your job gave you a surprise paid three days off, what would you do those three days?

πŸ¦‹ What is something that you resent paying for?

πŸ¦‹ What is the most expensive thing you have broken?

πŸ¦‹ What was cool when you were younger, but is not cool now?

πŸ¦‹ What is something that no matter how evolved we become will always be popular?

πŸ¦‹ Who do you go out of your way to be nice to?

πŸ¦‹ Who was your craziest/ most interesting teacher? What grade did they teach?

πŸ¦‹ What are some red flags to watch out for in your daily life?If you could move one character to play in a different movie, what character would it been and to what movie/show?

πŸ¦‹ What actor/actress plays the same role in almost every movie or show they do?

πŸ¦‹ What protagonist from book or movie would make the worst roommate or spouse?

Drum roll for the Nominees…..:




Warren Richards






Kiwi Katastrophes


The Rules:

πŸ¦‹ Thank the blogger who nominated you.

πŸ¦‹ Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.

πŸ¦‹ Nominate new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.

πŸ¦‹ List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award in your post/or on your blog.

πŸ¦‹ Notify the nominees about it by commenting on one of their blog posts.


23 thoughts on “Sunshine Blogger Award #3

  1. Thank you! πŸ™‚ I’ll get to this later this week… do you want me to answer in character as Greg Dennison in 1995, or should I give normal answers as my adult self?

      1. So I was thinking about this earlier.

        (1) 1995 Greg is essentially me in 1995. Some of my answers have changed between 1995 and now (like the red flags), but some of them haven’t (like the most interesting teacher). However, Greg does occasionally have flash-forwards in his stories, like the post about moving into the dorm where he said that the building would eventually be torn down in 2012, so it would be in character for him to mention some of the different answers he would have as an adult.

        (2) I didn’t have anything to write about in my other blog this week. So if you hadn’t said 1995 Greg, that would have given me something to write about this week.

        But……. I think I’ve found a way to make both of these happen. I’ll work on that when I’m done adulting for the day.

      2. And I should add that I thought of a way to incorporate this into a story set in 1995 despite the fact that blog awards didn’t exist in 1995, as far as I know, and Greg certainly didn’t have a blog in 1995.

        1. Fun looking forward to seeing what you come up with!!! I was only 2 years old at that time so it didn’t hit me that he might not

  2. Hi dear! I love you answer to #6. I do wish for the world not to resort in such senseless violence, but I also believe in the inherit goodness of people – just misguided with twisted ideals. The important thing is that we take care of our own.

    Thank you for your answer to #10 and to your opening remarks! I truly believe that confidence (not arrogance) is everything for a man.

    Lastly, I love your answer to #11. Its nice to know people who can laugh at this sort of question.
    Being able to laugh at yourself and not to take yourself too seriously, is indeed a life skill.

    Cheer to you Charlene! Congatulations!

  3. Whew, I finally finished mine! It does take some time but it was fun. Thank you again!!

    1. Thanks for doing it. Ive read both and your right chain letters are annoying. I can see how these awards could come off thats way, but I think of them as a way to promote people that probably need help. The 1st person to ever add me to their nominees had a lot of followers that later became my community too. Grey sounds like a fun guy, life is to short for us not to have fun/goofy.

      1. Oh my gosh… I didn’t mean to imply that blog awards were annoying! Like you said, they’re good for finding other blogs and bringing people to yours (both of which have happened since you nominated me, thank you!). I’ve never personally been annoyed by stuff like that, but I’ve known people who have (which is why I usually say something like “do this if you want to, and leave a comment so people can find you” instead of nominating people specifically). I’d been wanting to do a story for a while about Greg playing the prank on Schuyler (because that really happened), and I thought that doing the Sunshine Blogger Award as a chain email was a good way to translate the concept to 1995 life. Since I was actually a bit put off the first time someone told me that chain emails were annoying, and I didn’t realize people felt this way, I thought it would be good to combine all of that into one story.

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