Terminating That TBR

New Project, Terminating That TBR!

Welcome to my new project, Terminating That TBR! This is all part of the Book plan for 2025. As it stands, my physical TBR (To be read) is sitting at 600 books. It is safe to say that it is time to scratch some books off that list. I figured why not challenge yourself!

This is the first year that I will be doing this challenge, so I am going to make a goal of 50 books. I have read over 100 books in 2024 but some of them were through buddy reads and ARC reads that are often times not books that I already have.

With this challenge I hope to stay focused. Each month I will do a monthly updates to see where we are. Check out Mrs. Darcy post if you need TBR tricks.

Next step will be to stop buying so many books as well.

Do you think you can terminate your TBR?

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