Can we build an Empire together please!?!
Like can I please have someone that says fuck the BS… you crazy- I’m crazy, You trip-I trip, but no matter what I got you like you got me. Let me tell you my level of loyalty, respect and will i could have for that person is unreal. Whats so wrong with wanting to be a little old school although its 2016. I’m 23 and live in a world were no man or woman respects each other enough to be with each other. Like seriously help me help you. A Yang to this Yin, Joker to this screwed up Harley, Clyde to this wild Bonnie. How are people supposed to get anywhere in a world were it takes two incomes to survive? Pick a house, you don’t like the windows lets change them, You don’t like how small the driveway is, ok fine lets expand it. You bored o
f your car ok fine lets get another one. If i don’t like something ill change it, if its broke ill fix it, but I want you. I want you to see the imagine that I see. By “you” i simply mean a man that wants to finally get his shit right after getting it wrong with so many others for so long. Can I be your strength on your weakest day, your happiness in you worst hour?
Lets build a life from the ground up.
Confession, C. A. (2016, October 05). Empire. Retrieved October 7, 2018, from